Play in a day
Play In A Day is an exciting participatory project for Years 4, 5 and 6 pupils. It has been touring nationwide to much acclaim for the past 15 years, giving pupils the opportunity to develop their performance, co-ordination, confidence, listening and speaking skills under the guidance of one of Lynx’s highly experienced theatre practitioners.
Schools can choose from a series of plays, some based on National Curriculum topics, designed to be taught, rehearsed and performed all in one day by an entire class group (approximately 30 children per session). They are innovative and enjoyable in both style and content, give food for thought, encourage teamwork and are produced in the ensemble style using a variety of stimulating theatre techniques including choral speech, stylised movement and mime. At the end of the day the play can be performed to the entire school.

We're giving away our secrets!
Use our scripts and our easy guide to leading the day yourself without having a practitioner in, click here for details of exciting new 'Do It Yourself Play In A Day' (DIY PIAD).
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All that is needed to be part of this exciting project is a suitable space (school hall) for the day’s workshop, rehearsals and performance. Children do need to be available for the entire day (excluding normal breaks and lunchtime). There are no set, costume or prop requirements. Children can be dressed in normal school wear with gym shoes or trainers.
All those schools that have taken part have been delighted by the day and
what was achieved. If your school would like to share in this unique experience, which costs £250 for the day, please contact 01284 749895 or through the website.
We very much look forward to visiting your school.
PS - For younger pupils, we have Playday, a half day of themed drama games but without the pressure of a full scale performance.
Profits from both these projects fund our conservation and environmental work in schools.
View our 'Play In a Day' Library
We offer a vast number of plays on a range of topics - Please choose from the list below to view the plays offered.
Robin Hood
Almost a Panto in a Day! Full of the usual characters - Robin, Maid Marion, the Sheriff and all the Merry Men, this is a fun show with lots of jokes and even an ''Oh no you can't'' moment!