Lynx theatre in education
If we can make young people more confident in their beliefs then they will be much more likely to act on them when they become voters, legislators and decision makers in their own right.
Since 2002, the Trust has been developing and delivering an educational programme – Lynx Theatre in Education (TIE) - on animal and conservation issues. This is primarily presented through commissioned theatrical pieces and is accompanied by detailed teachers’ packs, designed to inspire the imagination and directly engage young people’s interest and stimulate their involvement. It also includes the provision of speakers and distribution of information.
Lynx TIE works with professional playwrights and directors who have considerable experience of working in children’s theatre, and for television and radio.
Touring Productions
Almost Human
Written by Robert Rigby, it is a play that follows the story of 'Tarzan', a chimpanzee captured in the wild and then passed from a circus to a zoo to an advertising agency and finally to a laboratory as his temporary usefulness to his human owners disappears.
Dance To My Tune
'Dance To My Tune' incorporates one of the strongest messages received from young people - that we need to respect and value those that are weaker than or different to ourselves, be they human or animal.
Perfect in Olympus
Post production, we worked on drama and role play with many of the young people who had seen ‘Almost Human’ to help them develop and perform a play of their own.
Norah's Ark
‘Norah’s Ark’ is a play for primary and middle schools that received its first showing at the Natural History Museum.
Saving Energy
‘Saving Energy’ follows the story of Eddie, a teenager who wastes energy and has no empathy with the creatures with whom he shares the planet.
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Play in a Day
We do not receive Government funding. Instead, we raise funds through public donations and our own efforts. Schools we visited with our tours identified a lack of dramatic input into the curriculum. We therefore devised a (much copied) project called Play in a Day, in order to fill this gap. The profits from this project go towards our ambitious theatrical projects, which we hope will result in a new respect for our fellow creatures.